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Tummy Tuck or Liposuction: Which is Right for You?

You might be looking for the right way for you to flatten and flatter your stomach so that you can have a perfect silhouette. At OasisMD, with three convenient locations in Encinitas, San Diego, and Temecula, California, James J. Chao, MD, and our team of plastic surgeons offer two tried-and-true methods to improve the appearance of your abdomen: liposuction and tummy tuck.  But how do you know which one is right for you? To help you make a decision, read on to hear how our team compares the two procedures.

What is a tummy tuck?

Also called an abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck’s main purpose is to remove fat and excess skin. It’s also a great way to tighten loose muscles and tissues.

Who is a good candidate for a tummy tuck?

You may be a candidate for a tummy tuck if:

If you still hope to have children or you have a BMI that’s 30 or higher, we recommend you consider other measures to flatten your stomach.

What’s involved in the tummy tuck procedure?

While you are under anesthesia, our board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Chao makes an incision above your pubic area in your lower abdomen. He stitches up muscles that are torn, separated, or weak, and cuts away excess skin and discards it. He repositions your remaining skin to give you a sleeker, slimmer stomach. You’ll have a bikini line scar after the procedure, which can take from 3-5 hours to complete. Following your surgery, you remain in the hospital for a few days and it takes several weeks before you can resume regular activities. 

What is liposuction?

Liposuction is an invasive cosmetic surgical procedure to reshape your stomach and remove fat deposits. It is performed while you are under anesthesia and may be outpatient or require a short hospital stay.

Who is a good candidate for liposuction?

Our plastic surgeons recommend that:

What’s the liposuction procedure like?

During a liposuction procedure, you’re put to sleep and Dr. Chao makes small incisions all around your fatty areas. He injects a sterile solution that breaks up the fat cells and uses a special suction tube to extract the fat deposits out of your abdomen.

Depending on the exact nature of your liposuction and how extensive the treatment area is, you’ll likely get to go home on the same day. You should expect to be very sore and bruised for up to two weeks.

Which procedure is right for me?

Both liposuction and tummy tuck are excellent ways to tone, contour, and shape your midsection. To know which procedure is right for you, you need to identify whether your issue is lax muscles and extra skin or if you have specific fatty areas. If you’re unclear what your main issues are, our team meets with you to conduct a thorough physical examination to help you decipher what the exact issues are and which treatment might best take care of them. 

Whether it’s liposuction or a tummy tuck, our team helps you improve your abdominal area. Call to learn more or schedule your consultation online.

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