My Child Keeps Complaining About Stiffness: Can You Help?

It isn’t unusual for children to complain about aches and pains—real or imagined. But if your child has come to you complaining about ongoing stiffness, pain, or other persistent aches, it’s time to seek the opinion of a medical expert.
The orthopedic specialists at OasisMD Lifestyle Healthcare, in Encinitas, San Diego, and Temecula, California, offer personalized pediatric orthopedic care for younger patients suffering from ongoing pain, stiffness, or injury.
Here’s a closer look at some of the most common causes of this type of pediatric complaint and the different ways your child’s OasisMD Lifestyle Healthcare provider can ease their discomfort.
Causes of ongoing pediatric stiffness, aches, and pain
It can be difficult to know when your child’s stiffness or pain is normal or the sign of a more serious condition. For this reason, it’s always better to err on the side of caution and bring them in for an evaluation.
Many conditions share symptoms, and only an experienced provider can rule in or out problematic conditions that may require ongoing treatment. In the meantime, here’s a look at some causes of ongoing pediatric stiffness, aches, and pain:
Overuse injuries
Active children may experience stiffness and other symptoms from overuse. This is especially true for children who play a sport that requires repetitive motions, like running, soccer, gymnastics, baseball, or basketball.
These types of injuries can affect parts of the body that are still developing, like the soft tissues, bones, or growth plates. If your child complains about ongoing pain, stiffness, or other discomfort, don’t wait to bring them in for an evaluation.
Early treatment can prevent permanent damage and can help your child avoid future damage or injury.
Growing pains
Many children complain about feeling stiff, achy, or uncomfortable as they grow—especially in their legs. These “growing pains” aren’t usually a cause for concern, though they can be quite unpleasant for your child and cause symptoms such as:
- Stiffness, aches, and pain in the evening and overnight
- Throbbing and aching in both legs
- Muscle pain or other pain that doesn’t impact the joints
This type of discomfort usually strikes between the preschool ages through middle school, but it isn’t a sign of a serious underlying condition.
Idiopathic arthritis
If your child experiences ongoing stiffness, pain, or swelling in one or more of their joints, it could be a sign of idiopathic arthritis. This inflammatory disease results when your child’s immune system “overreacts” and attacks the body’s healthy tissue, causing symptoms like:
- Ongoing joint pain and inflammation
- Joint stiffness and pain that’s worse in the morning or after periods of rest
- Tenderness, redness, or swelling in the joints
It can also cause non-joint symptoms, like rash, fatigue, eye symptoms, and reduced appetite.
This autoimmune disorder affects female teenagers most often, and about one-fifth of people with the disease get diagnosed in childhood or adolescence. This disorder causes pain, swelling, or stiffness in the joints, among other symptoms, and requires ongoing care.
How pediatric orthopedic care can help
At OasisMD Lifestyle Healthcare, your child’s orthopedic provider first determines the underlying cause of your child’s discomfort using physical examination, blood tests, advanced imaging studies, specialized tests, and their symptoms and medical history.
With a diagnosis in hand, your child’s provider creates a personalized pediatric care plan that’s customized for your child’s condition, age, and preferences. Based on their needs, your provider may recommend different therapies, including one or more of the following:
- Custom shoe orthotics
- Braces or splints
- RICE therapy (rest, ice, compression, elevation)
- Over-the-counter pain medicines
- Anti-inflammatory drugs
- Personalized physical therapy
- Prescription medications
- Surgery to correct damaged muscle, bone, tendon, ligaments, or joints
Your child doesn’t need to suffer from ongoing stiffness, aches, and pain. Contact a pediatric orthopedist at the OasisMD Lifestyle Healthcare location nearest you, or request an appointment online now!
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